måndag 24 augusti 2009

fuck, fuck, fuck

My life is now a fucking hell.

I bet yoy guys are pretty curious, I would be anyway.

This weekend I was really just relaxing at home, preparing for schoolstart. I tought it was alright until late yesterday.

I girl called me, she asked me who I was and if i knew Chris I said yes, i did. She asked me how and i said that he was my boyfriend.

Then she said that she had something to tell so a listened...

To make a long story short she said she was seing my bf behind my back but that she didn't knew I was in the picture until she found a picture of me and Chris in his wallet on Saturday.

How about that!? That fucking bastard has sleept with another girl for three fucking months!!

I'm on my way to confront him. I hope he has a damn good explanation or else a head is going to roll...

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