tisdag 25 augusti 2009


Hey guys...

I guess I should be all down now and full of grief and loss but I'm not.

Does that make me crazy?

The thing is a did kinda know that something was up and in some way I was prepared for this to happen. But still. I spent two year with Chris on and off and it's kind of sad that it had to end this way, ofc I'm totally mad at him but I'm not sad.

Anyway, I was out shopping today.

I had t have new footballshoes and found one pair that I fell in love with from the first sight. Adidas Pure! Totally drop-dead gorgeous and really really comfortable. But ofc they where like really expensive and my mother wouldent by them... We got another pair that seemed like shit compared. I'm thinking of changing this shoes ive got and but the Adidas anyway...

What do you think?

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